Reader reply – The two biggest Computer killers

03. June 2013 Security 4

After my article from yesterday “The two biggest Computer killers” i received an email from a reader. He keeps his iMac clean by wiping down the glass panel and the top of his computer, he keeps his desk clear and thought it was enough. As he does smoke and has carpet throughout the house (huge source of dust) he decided to inspect his iMac and this is what he found:

The RAM slots with the cover off on the bottom of the iMac.
The RAM slots with the cover off on the bottom of the iMac.
The bottom cover of the RAM slots.
The bottom cover of the RAM slots.


Hidden behind the foot of the iMac above the power cord is this ventilation hole.
Hidden behind the foot of the iMac above the power cord is this ventilation hole.

He was shocked at what he found and now that he is aware he will clean his computer regularly. It took just a few minutes to clean this up and he may have just prolonged the iMac’s lifespan by years.

After the cleaning, the iMac can breathe again!
After the cleaning, the iMac can breathe again!
After the cleaning, the iMac can breathe again!
After the cleaning, the iMac can breathe again!

This is great news, the website did exactly what it is meant to do; create awareness 🙂 Have any photos of your computer before and after cleaning, feel free to let me know! And thank you Renee for the email.

4 thoughts on “Reader reply – The two biggest Computer killers”

  • 1
    Aliki on June 3, 2013 Reply

    Wow! That is a lot of dust! I need to check my office now lol

  • 2
    Don on June 3, 2013 Reply

    Doing the office and shop computers like this has always been a monthly thing with me. The first time I made them do it, they looked at me like I had three heads. Also the first time, the computers were disgusting. Now a couple of them do it at home as well.

  • 3
    glenn on August 27, 2014 Reply

    The accumulated dust looks so scary! I am so glad I have purchase a dust cover to slip on my iMac “27 when not in use. It was purchased 2 years ago in Amazon and it’s very effective in repelling dust and moisture too because it’s water resistant. Save myself from the hurdles of cleaning pile of filth and it’s a wise investment for me in the long run.


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