Java Update, Updated.
When Oracle updated Java a week ago, Apple also pushed out it’s own update and made it available through Software Update. Apparently something was wrong with Apple’s version of the update and it caused some Java applets to not work as they should. Apple addressed the issue and made a new version available however your system may not see this version as an available download through Software Update.
First, see what version of Java you have installed. Open the Terminal (Applications > Utilities) and type the following followed by hitting enter/return:
/usr/libexec/java_home -v 1.6 -exec java -version
It may take a little while for the Terminal to come back with a response but when it does, look for a string of numbers that is either “M4508” or “M4509”. If you see M4508, you still have the messed up version. If you see M4509 then you have the patched version and you are all set. For those with the M4508 version, run Software Update to see if your system picks up on the new version, if not then you can download it and install it manually from the following links:
OS X 10.6 only –
OS X 10.7 & 10.8 –
It’s a quick install with no restart required.
And you can find the message from Apple here.