DuckDuckGo or StartPage – Update announcement
The article “DuckDuckGo or StartPage – 2016 Update” was received very well and just like the original 2013 article it’s racked up a lot of views. I’m glad people find it helpful. In December DuckDuckGo reached out to me for comments and feedback and this started an update process which ended up taking over two months.
Phone calls, video chats and tons of emails back and forth with both DuckDuckGo and StartPage finally resulted in an updated article which can be found at the same URL as before. It more than doubled in size gaining over 4100 additional words and a few new images, even if you’ve read it before, I suggest reading the whole thing again or at least checking out the changelog at the top of the article.
As the article is linked to on other sites often and I do not want to break those links, the original URL of the article will stay the same. However in doing so any future updates do not trigger notifications to those subscribed to the site, so this post will serve as that notification.