Today F-Secure has made note of a Word document that is designed to infect Macs with malware. The Word document claims to be about the “6th International Uyghur Women’s Seminar & 1st World Uyghur Women’s Congress”, run by the International Uyghur Human Rights & Democracy Foundation. The document installs the malware by exploiting a vulnerability in ...
I know, creepy title. It is true though and already being done every day all over the world. Sergey Shekyan and Artem Harutyunyan, researchers from the security firm Qualys, said the search engine Shodan shows about 100,000 wireless IP cameras that have “little or no emphasis on security.” They held a presentation at the recent Hack in ...
CISPA is about to become a reality. If you do not know what it is and how it can be used to destroy (your) privacy and rights, keep reading. I will not explain CISPA because that has been done a lot already. Instead i will provide you with links to websites that have done a ...
Something completely unrelated to security but i just had to share. I have been looking for a good, simple, clean RSS notifier for Mac since Apple stripped it from Mail and i have found one. The reason i am sharing is because it is a great way to stay up to date on this website ...
Though a fair amount of security breaches can be blamed on equipment (example: router firmware with vulnerabilities), the weakest link is the user in most cases. This could be a user that configured a firewall in the wrong way or a user that left the default administrator name and password to the server but the ...
Java was patched just a few days ago but already new vulnerabilities are being discovered. Described in this Full Disclosure post, the Reflection API flaw affects all versions of Java SE 7 and, according to researcher Adam Gowdiak, “can be used to achieve a complete Java security sandbox bypass on a target system”. So, after ...
As mentioned in this article, your firewall is very important. Designed to analyze and filter inbound connections it is your first line of defense against intruders and common attacks such as port sniffing. Not many people have the firewall on their Mac enabled, they figure the router has one so everything on the network is ...
You want to erase a part of your data, or all of it. Maybe you are replacing a small hard drive with a bigger one, maybe you are selling your Mac, doesn’t matter why, your information needs to be securely erased. Your Mac makes it very easy to get this done in a way it ...
There will be a similar post that focusses on Office and Corporate environments. Hopefully you are reading this as a means to prepare yourself in case of an incident like this but you may be reading this after you have found out one or more of your systems have been compromised. You’ve read about it, ...