Securing your Router/WiFi

17. April 2013 Security 2
Today we’ll talk about something most home and office’s have. It’s so common now, most people don’t even give it a second thought, a router that enables you to have a WiFi network. It’s convenient, no wires so no clutter and possibly the weakest link in your home/office security. Wait, what? Yes, in a world ...

Security, your responsibility – Part 2

11. April 2013 Security 0
This is an addition to the “Security, your responsibility” post where i attempt to make users aware that any information they may have on others should be properly secured. This does not just go for your address book of course. Another example is Facebook. I hope you have a strong password to secure your account ...

Security is a full time job

11. April 2013 Security 0
And i don’t mean the IT guy at work or your spam filter service provider, i mean you. Anyone and everyone is responsible for their own security as i mentioned in a previous article. Of course your company has some staff (hopefully) that are there to ensure the company network is secured but that staff ...

Vudu users be aware

10. April 2013 Security 1
Vudu suffered property loss. That property contained your information if you are a subscriber to their service. Click here for more info.

Security, your responsibility

10. April 2013 Security 2
Do you care about security? Sure you do. You want the police to be there when you need them, you want the mall or a store to have security to protect you, you want your bank to implement security measures so no-one else can steal your money, you want your employer to have policies to ...

We’ve never met but you just told me everything i need

10. April 2013 Security 2
Sitting on a bus there is a man behind me engaged in a phone conversation. What drew my attention is him getting frustrated. “Sorry, i got disconnected, Sprint reception is terrible.” Seemingly useless information but not for someone who’s job is it to gather information and use it for whatever purpose they want. So this ...

Flash Update

09. April 2013 Security 1
Flash released a new update to their plugin today. To update, go to System Preferences, select Flash (usually in the bottom row), then select Advanced. In there you will find a button labeled “Check Now” in the Updates section. Click that and follow the prompts and instructions. Once installed, next to the button it should say “Plug-in version ...

Privacy Online

06. April 2013 Security 7
There is so much to say about your privacy online and how it is being logged, monitored, saved and used against you but i will keep this fairly brief. More posts like this will follow in the future, each covering a piece of the enormous puzzle. I have been trying numerous ways to get my ...


27. March 2013 Just an update 0
As this is a new blog the design and layout will be changing until i find a good theme that i see myself using for a long time. Until then, enjoy the occasional change of scenery 🙂