Yontoo / Twit Tube Have a look here. And here. March 24, Update: users of Mac OS 10.6, 10.7 and 10.8 are now protected from this malware as Apple has updated it’s file quarantine (aka XProtect) database.
Making sure you have a reliable backup of your data is important, in a way security for your data. I’ll go into encryption and safe ways to store your backup another time but for now let’s focus on just getting all your data backed up right. Earlier this week i received a call from a ...
Now that you have good, strong passwords, it’s time to start looking at where you implemented them. You remember Bob Williams right? Sure you do, the other article is only a day old. He works for a high profile law enforcement agency. Naturally that agency has a lot of information on their workstations and servers ...
Allow me to introduce Bob Williams, he is 49 years of age born in 1964, lives in New York but was born in France and he is a Taurus. Two dogs named Hank and Frank, he uses a Mac Pro, loves orange juice and of course he loves his wife Shannon. Just a few random ...
And when i say Java i mean Java, not JavaScript. These are not the same things. Java can operate on it’s own whereas JavaScript needs to be placed inside an HTML document to function. Java uses it’s runtime (a small software environment that is basically a mini Operating System or a Virtual Machine) that is ...
This simple blog will be all about security. Digital security mostly but anything is covered really. From paper shredders to good password practices and online threats to encryption. Whatever happens to come to mind when the blogging mood strikes and involves security one way or another. I have plenty to say but hardly any time ...