Hardware used

For any test to be reliable, it has to be tested on multiple machines running different operating systems, and not just top of the line Macs with a brand new never used operating system on it (to make sure results are as favorable as possible) but Macs that are used every day for a range of tasks from web development, media center, movie editing to gaming. We did this to get results that are more like what you could expect running these applications on your Mac.

The testing was started in August 2012 and some of the hardware is no longer available or had it’s specifications and operating system versions changed/updated. Each application test and review will show which hardware was used, when the tests were performed and when they were last updated.

Click on the Macs listed in the right side menu for complete specs and updates.

Note: As of December 2012 we are no longer able to test PowerPC applications.
Note: SellYourMac.com has provided us with a PowerMac G5 so all tests since May 2013 will include PowerPC results where applicable!