Catching up; patch Tuesday and antivirus test updates.

17. January 2014 Security 0

Due to my overzealous hosting provider blocking WordPress attacks I have not been able to log in and post in a few days now. On top of that my internet has barely been working all week. Here’s what I did not get to write about before:

Last Tuesday was the famous Patch Tuesday, updates were released for Adobe and Oracle products. If you have not done so already, check all products from those vendors for updates and install them as their products are the favorite ones to get exploited.


Updates were released for Flash Player, Reader and Acrobat.
You can get the update by going to your System Preferences > Flash Player > Advanced > Updates or directly from Adobe’s website here.

Java was updated.
You can get the update by going to your System Preferences > Java, you should be alerted a new version is available there. Or get it from the Oracle website here.

I mentioned a few days ago I would update the antivirus product test to include more Flashback samples. This has been done but due to the issues with WordPress and my internet provider I have not been able to upload the results PDF yet, I’ll do this as soon as I can. The front page and results page will show the date and time of the last update.

From what I have been told my internet should be back to reasonably reliable within the next few days and once that works I can get started on resolving the host/Wordpress issues.

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