Be sure you are prepared for iOS 11

19. September 2017 Just an update 0
This exact article is recycled every year when a new iOS is about to be released. I have edited it where needed and republished it so you can be ready for next week’s upgrade to iOS 11. Cutting it close this year but here goes! Today iOS 11 will be available to the public. The ...

DuckDuckGo or StartPage – Update announcement

02. March 2017 Just an update 0
The article “DuckDuckGo or StartPage – 2016 Update” was received very well and just like the original 2013 article it’s racked up a lot of views. I’m glad people find it helpful. In December DuckDuckGo reached out to me for comments and feedback and this started an update process which ended up taking over two ...

Be sure you are prepared for iOS 10

09. September 2016 Just an update 0
This exact article is recycled every year when a new iOS is about to be released. I have edited it where needed and republished it so you can be ready for next week’s upgrade to iOS 10. On September 13 Apple’s iOS 10 will be available to the public. The following days you’ll hear a ...

We’re back!

29. May 2016 Just an update 2
Having a baby, running a business and working on several other projects, something had to give and was it. With the business running smooth and the baby now 5 months old, I had some time to practice time-management in this new situation and I think I have it figured out to a point where ...

A few days with OS X 10.11 El Capitan [Updated]

03. October 2015 Just an update 1
I mentioned in a previous post I had high hopes for El Capitan. After installing it on September 30th, I am not disappointed. My system is fast, scrolling through large directories is smooth, Finder does not choke up when working with lots of folders open, Mail is no longer freaking out because my Mail folder ...

Get ready for OS X 10.11 El Capitan

29. September 2015 Just an update 1
While I am not crazy about the new name, I am very excited about the product. Some new features are introduced but the majority of the work has been under the hood to improve responsiveness, stability and usability. My favorite versions of OS X to date have been 10.4.11 Tiger and 10.6.8 Snow Leopard, both ...

Be sure you are prepared for iOS9

15. September 2015 Just an update 0
This exact article is recycled every year when a new iOS is about to be released. I have edited it where needed and republished it so you can be ready for tomorrow’s upgrade to iOS 9. Tomorrow Apple’s iOS 9 will be available to the public. The next few days you’ll hear a lot of ...

Just an update (and a bit of a rant ;)

08. January 2015 Just an update, Security 2
Happy new year everyone and thank you for your support, tips, samples and more over the past year. I haven’t forgotten about this blog and I still keep my eye on any potential threats that require awareness. The past few months have just been very uneventful when it comes to Mac security. One issue I ...

Upgrading to OS X 10.10 Yosemite

18. October 2014 Just an update 3
You may have been amongst the first to upgrade your Mac to OS X 10.10 Yosemite or you may be one of the people that prefers to wait a bit. Here are a few tips to ensure the upgrade goes smooth when the time comes. 1. Make sure your Mac meets the minimum system requirements, ...

Be sure you are prepared for iOS8

16. September 2014 Just an update 0
This exact article was published a year ago when iOS 7 was released. I have edited it where needed and republished it so you can be ready for tomorrow’s upgrade to iOS 8. Tomorrow Apple’s iOS 8 will be available to the public. The next few days you’ll hear a lot of the following: – ...