This is an add-on to my previous article “The two biggest Computer Killers” and focusses on two things; the Mac Pro (all models) and dust. In that article i describe what dust can do to a machine, amongst other things. A company called Transintl. Inc. has released a dust filter for the Mac Pro a ...
There are quite a few browsers out there, most known, some unknown. Browsers are rated mostly by consumers and focus on how fast it starts, how fast it loads pages and how easy it is to use. Of course these are all important but what about security, what about privacy? Before you read this post ...
“In the wake of former CIA employee Edward Snowden’s revelations of the PRISM NSA mass surveillance, people are once again asking why the general public should care if they’ve got nothing to hide.” The intro to a very good article written by Sean Rintel on the Electronic Frontiers website. I found this a great article, specially for folks shrugging at ...
Adobe released updates to AIR and Flash Player today and Microsoft pushed out an update for Office. As usual you can initiate the Flash Player update from your System Preferences > Flash Player > Advanced panel, this should install the latest version which is now 11.7.700.225. The latest version of Adobe AIR can be downloaded ...
If and when it happens, it usually happens to folks who were not prepared. So while we hope your computer will never get stolen it’s a good idea to prepare just in case. Preparations are quite simple, do not take up a lot of time and can save you a whole lot of grief if ...
You may have heard the term PRISM in these last few days. PRISM is an NSA program that was, until a few days ago, top secret. PRISM allows the NSA to access the servers of major internet companies like Microsoft, Yahoo, Google, Apple and a few others and with that, your information.
This is tricky. Many AV companies claim to be the best but how can you test your AV product? Many sites will refer you to the EICAR website where you can download a file that should be recognized by your AV as a virus. Mind you, the file is not an actual virus but has ...
Many users think antivirus is the last, and sometimes only, line of defense. Sadly the majority of the Mac users feel they need no defenses at all, after all Macs are impervious to any kind of viruses or attacks right 😉 *cough*. Very slowly Mac users are starting to catch on to the fact that ...
Apple today released OS X 10.8.4 and Security Update 2013-002, these updates are recommended for all users. Use Software Update from the Apple menu to see which updates are available for your system. The Software Update utility will present the update that applies to your system configuration. Only one is needed, either OS X Mountain ...
This is an add-on to a previous post about erasing data securely. Since i wrote that post i have had the chance to learn more on the topic of hard drives and, as i promised in my very first post, whatever i learn i’ll share so others may learn too. The information in this post ...