Antivirus – Just one piece of a big puzzle

04. June 2013 Security 3
Many users think antivirus is the last, and sometimes only, line of defense. Sadly the majority of the Mac users feel they need no defenses at all, after all Macs are impervious to any kind of viruses or attacks right 😉 *cough*. Very slowly Mac users are starting to catch on to the fact that ...

Apple releases OS X 10.8.4 and Security Update 2013-002

04. June 2013 Security 0
Apple today released OS X 10.8.4 and Security Update 2013-002, these updates are recommended for all users. Use Software Update from the Apple menu to see which updates are available for your system. The Software Update utility will present the update that applies to your system configuration. Only one is needed, either OS X Mountain ...

Data Security – Erasing it Part Two

03. June 2013 Security 4
This is an add-on to a previous post about erasing data securely. Since i wrote that post i have had the chance to learn more on the topic of hard drives and, as i promised in my very first post, whatever i learn i’ll share so others may learn too. The information in this post ...

Reader reply – The two biggest Computer killers

03. June 2013 Security 4
After my article from yesterday “The two biggest Computer killers” i received an email from a reader. He keeps his iMac clean by wiping down the glass panel and the top of his computer, he keeps his desk clear and thought it was enough. As he does smoke and has carpet throughout the house (huge ...

The two biggest Computer killers

31. May 2013 Security 2
Let’s be honest, not many people periodically open their computer up to give it a thorough cleaning. And i discourage you from opening up your computer if you’ve never done so before and/or don’t know what you’re doing but it is important that it gets done at some point. Two of a computer’s worst enemies ...

Twitter enables two-factor authentication

22. May 2013 Security 0
After having accounts compromised again and again Twitter thought it was time to offer some extra security for their users. Have a look at their blog post here and enable this additional security feature if you use Twitter.

Mac antivirus application face-off, pages live

22. May 2013 Security 0
I’ve decided to make the result pages accessible and just hide the pages that are not done yet. This way you can read about the hardware used, malware samples used and methodology used in testing. There are a total of 34 applications so doing the performance impact testing and write-ups on each of them will ...

Mac antivirus application face-off, first results

21. May 2013 Security 0
After testing 31 Antivirus applications for the Mac, here are the detection rate results. These include the latest KitM.A malware. A lot of work still has to be done so this list is not complete/finished. Performance impact, behavior and a lot more tests are still being done for each individual application, this will take some ...


19. May 2013 Just an update 0
I was able to spend my weekend with some very nice and talented people at the HackMiami conference. This year (amongst many other great speakers) i heard Dave Marcus from McAfee Threat Labs present a keynote about malware, Emilio Casbas, the security manager within the System Exploitation Department of Incita, showed off an online tool he created ...